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rKolada is an R package for downloading, inspecting and processing data from Kolada, a Key Performance Indicator database for Swedish municipalities and regions. This vignette provides an overview of the methods included in the rKolada package and the design principles of the package API. To learn more about the specifics of functions and to see a full list of the functions included, please see the Reference section of the package homepage or run ??rKolada. For a quick introduction to the package see the vignette A quick start guide to rKolada.

NOTE: All metadata and data labels in Kolada are written in Swedish only.

The design of rKolada functions is inspired by, and are supported by, the design and functionality provided by several packages in the tidyverse family. It is thus recommended that you install the tidyverse package before installing rKolada:


Kolada, a Key Performance Indicator database for Swedish municipalities and regions

The Swedish Municipalities and Regions Database Kolada is a openly accessible, comprehensive database containing over 4,000 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a vast number of aspects of municipal and regional organisations, politics and economic life. The rKolada R package provides an interface to R users to directly download, explore, and simplify metadata and data from Kolada.

To get started with Kolada you might want to visit its homepage (Swedish-only) or read through the REST API documentation on Github. However, you can also use the rKolada package to explore data without prior knowledge of the database.

The data model

Data in Kolada are stored along three basic dimensions:

  • A KPI ID
  • A point in time (year)
  • A municipality/region/ ID

When downloading data, the user needs to specify search parameters for at least two of these three basic dimensions. (The Kolada API documentation also specifies a fourth basic dimension: gender. However, data for all genders is always automatically downloaded when available.) The parameters can be a single, atomic value or a vector of values.

Also, the Kolada database proves useful groupings of municipalities and KPIs that can be used for further exploration, or to create unweighted averages. Lastly, some KPIs are also available for Organizational units (OUs) within municipalities, e.g. a school, an administrative subdivision or an elderly home.

Downloading data

If the user already has knowledge of the IDs of the KPIs and/or municipalities they want to download, this can be done using the function get_values(). For instance, if you want to download all values for the KPI N00945 (“Tillfälliga föräldrapenningdagar (VAB) som tas ut av män, andel av antal dagar (%)”) for Sweden’s three most populous cities; Stockholm (id "0180"), Gothenburg (Swedish: Göteborg; "1480") and Malmö ("1280"):

#>       kpi municipality_id year count gender status    value municipality
#> 1  N00945            0180 1996     1      T              NA    Stockholm
#> 2  N00945            1280 1996     1      T              NA        Malmö
#> 3  N00945            1480 1996     1      T              NA     Göteborg
#> 4  N00945            0180 1997     1      T              NA    Stockholm
#> 5  N00945            1280 1997     1      T              NA        Malmö
#> 6  N00945            1480 1997     1      T              NA     Göteborg
#> 7  N00945            0180 1998     1      T        30.41209    Stockholm
#> 8  N00945            1280 1998     1      T        26.69198        Malmö
#> 9  N00945            1480 1998     1      T        30.45307     Göteborg
#> 10 N00945            0180 1999     1      T        30.62354    Stockholm
#> 11 N00945            1280 1999     1      T        26.84941        Malmö
#> 12 N00945            1480 1999     1      T        32.00700     Göteborg
#> 13 N00945            0180 2000     1      T        31.32960    Stockholm
#> 14 N00945            1280 2000     1      T        28.36723        Malmö
#> 15 N00945            1480 2000     1      T        33.23952     Göteborg
#> 16 N00945            0180 2001     1      T        31.90901    Stockholm
#> 17 N00945            1280 2001     1      T        29.14839        Malmö
#> 18 N00945            1480 2001     1      T        34.34883     Göteborg
#> 19 N00945            0180 2002     1      T        33.13784    Stockholm
#> 20 N00945            1280 2002     1      T        30.18228        Malmö
#> 21 N00945            1480 2002     1      T        35.15515     Göteborg
#> 22 N00945            0180 2003     1      T        33.82520    Stockholm
#> 23 N00945            1280 2003     1      T        29.88630        Malmö
#> 24 N00945            1480 2003     1      T        35.55795     Göteborg
#> 25 N00945            0180 2004     1      T        34.21939    Stockholm
#> 26 N00945            1280 2004     1      T        31.21299        Malmö
#> 27 N00945            1480 2004     1      T        35.51597     Göteborg
#> 28 N00945            0180 2005     1      T        35.00610    Stockholm
#> 29 N00945            1280 2005     1      T        32.26879        Malmö
#> 30 N00945            1480 2005     1      T        36.71541     Göteborg
#> 31 N00945            0180 2006     1      T        35.78205    Stockholm
#> 32 N00945            1280 2006     1      T        33.89914        Malmö
#> 33 N00945            1480 2006     1      T        37.20446     Göteborg
#> 34 N00945            0180 2007     1      T        35.61412    Stockholm
#> 35 N00945            1280 2007     1      T        32.27672        Malmö
#> 36 N00945            1480 2007     1      T        36.03724     Göteborg
#> 37 N00945            0180 2008     1      T        36.34371    Stockholm
#> 38 N00945            1280 2008     1      T        32.99687        Malmö
#> 39 N00945            1480 2008     1      T        36.04195     Göteborg
#> 40 N00945            0180 2009     1      T        36.59765    Stockholm
#> 41 N00945            1280 2009     1      T        33.88994        Malmö
#> 42 N00945            1480 2009     1      T        35.93543     Göteborg
#> 43 N00945            0180 2010     1      T        36.92186    Stockholm
#> 44 N00945            1280 2010     1      T        33.82857        Malmö
#> 45 N00945            1480 2010     1      T        36.39835     Göteborg
#> 46 N00945            0180 2011     1      T        37.04921    Stockholm
#> 47 N00945            1280 2011     1      T        33.20278        Malmö
#> 48 N00945            1480 2011     1      T        37.00446     Göteborg
#> 49 N00945            0180 2012     1      T        37.04136    Stockholm
#> 50 N00945            1280 2012     1      T        34.31265        Malmö
#> 51 N00945            1480 2012     1      T        36.87452     Göteborg
#> 52 N00945            0180 2013     1      T        38.35227    Stockholm
#> 53 N00945            1280 2013     1      T        34.82378        Malmö
#> 54 N00945            1480 2013     1      T        37.95666     Göteborg
#> 55 N00945            0180 2014     1      T        38.61051    Stockholm
#> 56 N00945            1280 2014     1      T        35.30861        Malmö
#> 57 N00945            1480 2014     1      T        38.12922     Göteborg
#> 58 N00945            0180 2015     1      T        39.09000    Stockholm
#> 59 N00945            1280 2015     1      T        35.78000        Malmö
#> 60 N00945            1480 2015     1      T        38.19000     Göteborg
#> 61 N00945            0180 2016     1      T        38.79194    Stockholm
#> 62 N00945            1280 2016     1      T        36.26382        Malmö
#> 63 N00945            1480 2016     1      T        38.60823     Göteborg
#> 64 N00945            0180 2017     1      T        38.93364    Stockholm
#> 65 N00945            1280 2017     1      T        35.68866        Malmö
#> 66 N00945            1480 2017     1      T        38.86796     Göteborg
#> 67 N00945            0180 2018     1      T        39.40000    Stockholm
#> 68 N00945            1280 2018     1      T        36.50000        Malmö
#> 69 N00945            1480 2018     1      T        39.10000     Göteborg
#> 70 N00945            0180 2019     1      T        39.30000    Stockholm
#> 71 N00945            1280 2019     1      T        35.40000        Malmö
#> 72 N00945            1480 2019     1      T        39.10000     Göteborg
#> 73 N00945            0180 2020     1      T        40.80000    Stockholm
#> 74 N00945            1280 2020     1      T        37.00000        Malmö
#> 75 N00945            1480 2020     1      T        39.50000     Göteborg
#>    municipality_type
#> 1                  K
#> 2                  K
#> 3                  K
#> 4                  K
#> 5                  K
#> 6                  K
#> 7                  K
#> 8                  K
#> 9                  K
#> 10                 K
#> 11                 K
#> 12                 K
#> 13                 K
#> 14                 K
#> 15                 K
#> 16                 K
#> 17                 K
#> 18                 K
#> 19                 K
#> 20                 K
#> 21                 K
#> 22                 K
#> 23                 K
#> 24                 K
#> 25                 K
#> 26                 K
#> 27                 K
#> 28                 K
#> 29                 K
#> 30                 K
#> 31                 K
#> 32                 K
#> 33                 K
#> 34                 K
#> 35                 K
#> 36                 K
#> 37                 K
#> 38                 K
#> 39                 K
#> 40                 K
#> 41                 K
#> 42                 K
#> 43                 K
#> 44                 K
#> 45                 K
#> 46                 K
#> 47                 K
#> 48                 K
#> 49                 K
#> 50                 K
#> 51                 K
#> 52                 K
#> 53                 K
#> 54                 K
#> 55                 K
#> 56                 K
#> 57                 K
#> 58                 K
#> 59                 K
#> 60                 K
#> 61                 K
#> 62                 K
#> 63                 K
#> 64                 K
#> 65                 K
#> 66                 K
#> 67                 K
#> 68                 K
#> 69                 K
#> 70                 K
#> 71                 K
#> 72                 K
#> 73                 K
#> 74                 K
#> 75                 K
n00945 <- get_values(
  kpi = "N00945",
  municipality = c("0180", "1480", "1280"),
  period = 1970:2020


In many cases, however, you will not know in advance exactly what KPIs to be looking for, or you might not know the IDs of Sweden’s municipalities.

Downloading metadata: get functions

Kolada has five different kinds of metadata entities Each one of these can be downloaded by using rKolada’s get functions. Each function returns a tibble with all available data for the specified metadata entity:

Each function returns a tibble with all available data for the specified metadata entity.

#>    auspices
#> 1         E
#> 2         X
#> 3      <NA>
#> 4      <NA>
#> 5      <NA>
#> 6         X
#> 7      <NA>
#> 8         X
#> 9         X
#> 10     <NA>
#>                                                                                                                                                       description
#> 1                                                      Personalkostnader kommunen totalt, dividerat med antal invånare totalt 31/12. Avser egen regi. Källa: SCB.
#> 2                                                                     Kommunalekonomisk utjämning kommun, dividerat med antal invånare totalt 31/12 . Källa: SCB.
#> 3      Externa intäkter exklusive intäkter från försäljning till andra kommuner och regioner för kommunen totalt, dividerat med antal invånare 31/12. Källa: SCB.
#> 4                                                                              Inkomstutjämning, bidrag/avgift, i kronor per invånare den 1/11 fg år. Källa: SCB.
#> 5                                                                         Kostnadsutjämning, bidrag/avgift, i kronor per invånare den 1/11 nov fg år. Källa: SCB.
#> 6                                                                                      Regleringsbidrag/avgift, i kronor per invånare den 1/11 fg år. Källa: SCB.
#> 7                                                                                                                 Utjämningssystemet enl SCB, kr/inv. Källa: SCB.
#> 8                                                                                              Införandebidrag, i kronor per invånare den 1/11 fg år. Källa: SCB.
#> 9                                                                                               Strukturbidrag, i kronor per invånare den 1/11 fg år. Källa: SCB.
#> 10 Externa intäkter exklusive intäkter från försäljning till andra kommuner och regioner för egentlig verksamhet, dividerat med antal invånare 31/12. Källa: SCB.
#>    has_ou_data     id is_divided_by_gender municipality_type
#> 1        FALSE N00003                    0                 K
#> 2        FALSE N00005                    0                 K
#> 3        FALSE N00009                    0                 K
#> 4        FALSE N00011                    0                 K
#> 5        FALSE N00012                    0                 K
#> 6        FALSE N00014                    0                 K
#> 7        FALSE N00016                    0                 K
#> 8        FALSE N00018                    0                 K
#> 9        FALSE N00019                    0                 K
#> 10       FALSE N00021                    0                 K
#>            operating_area ou_publication_date perspective prel_publication_date
#> 1  Kommunen, övergripande                <NA>    Resurser            2024-04-04
#> 2   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2024-04-04
#> 3  Kommunen, övergripande                <NA>    Resurser                  <NA>
#> 4   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2023-09-28
#> 5   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2023-09-28
#> 6   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2023-09-28
#> 7   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2023-09-28
#> 8   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2023-09-28
#> 9   Skatter och utjämning                <NA>    Resurser            2023-09-28
#> 10 Kommunen, övergripande                <NA>    Resurser            2024-04-04
#>    publ_period publication_date
#> 1         2024       2025-02-22
#> 2         2024       2025-02-22
#> 3         2024       2025-02-22
#> 4         2024       2024-04-15
#> 5         2024       2024-04-15
#> 6         2024       2024-04-15
#> 7         2024       2024-04-15
#> 8         2024       2024-04-15
#> 9         2024       2024-04-15
#> 10        2024       2025-02-22
#>                                                  title
#> 1                            Personalkostnader, kr/inv
#> 2       Utjämningssystemet enl resultaträkning, kr/inv
#> 3                     Intäkter kommunen totalt, kr/inv
#> 4  Inkomstutjämning, bidrag/avgift, kr/inv 1 nov fg år
#> 5             Kostnadsutjämning, bidrag/avgift, kr/inv
#> 6              Regleringsbidrag/avgift, kr/inv (2005-)
#> 7                   Utjämningssystemet enl SCB, kr/inv
#> 8                      Införandebidrag, kr/inv (2005-)
#> 9                       Strukturbidrag, kr/inv (2005-)
#> 10                Intäkter egentlig verksamhet, kr/inv
# Download all KPI metadata as a tibble (kpi_df)
kpi_df <- get_kpi()

head(kpi_df, n = 10)

All get functions are thin wrappers around the more general function get_metadata(). If you are familiar with the terminology used in the Kolada API for accessing metadata you might want to use this function instead.

Exploring metadata

For each metadata type mentioned in the previous sections, rKolada offers several convenience functions to help exploring and narrowing down metadata tables. (If you are familiar with dplyr semantics, most of these functions are basically wrappers around dplyr/tidyr code.)

Since each get function above returns a table for the selected entity, a metadata table can be one of five different types. All metadata convenience functions are prefixed to reflect which kind of metadata table they operate on: kpi, kpi_grp, municipality, municipality_grp, and ou.

All metadata convenience functions have been designed with functional piping in mind, so their first argument is always a metadata tibble. Most of them also return a tibble of the same type

The most important family of metadata convenience functions is the search family. Much like dplyr::filter() they can be used to search for one or several search terms in the entire table or in a subset of named columns:

# Search for KPIs with the term "BRP" in their description or title
kpi_filter <- kpi_df %>% kpi_search("skola", column = c("description", "title"))
#> # A tibble: 901 × 13
#>    auspices description has_ou_data id    is_divided_by_gender municipality_type
#>    <chr>    <chr>       <lgl>       <chr>                <int> <chr>            
#>  1 NA       "Kostnadsu… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  2 NA       "Kostnadsu… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  3 NA       "Kostnadsu… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  4 T        "Avvikelse… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  5 T        "Strukturk… FALSE       N001…                    0 K                
#>  6 E        "Antal ans… FALSE       N001…                    0 K                
#>  7 E        "Antal års… FALSE       N001…                    0 K                
#>  8 T        "Kommunind… FALSE       N003…                    0 K                
#>  9 T        "Kommunind… FALSE       N003…                    0 K                
#> 10 T        "Kommunind… FALSE       N003…                    0 K                
#> # ℹ 891 more rows
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: operating_area <chr>, ou_publication_date <chr>,
#> #   perspective <chr>, prel_publication_date <chr>, publ_period <chr>,
#> #   publication_date <chr>, title <chr>
#> # A tibble: 3,312 × 3
#>    id      members       title                                                
#>    <chr>   <list>        <chr>                                                
#>  1 G114418 <df [4 × 2]>  Fyrkommunsnätverket (ovägt medel)                    
#>  2 G114419 <df [4 × 2]>  SMS - Samhällsskydd mellersta Skaraborg (ovägt medel)
#>  3 G114798 <df [4 × 2]>  4M -  Fyra Mälarstäder (ovägt medel)                 
#>  4 G114915 <df [68 × 2]> SmåKom (ovägt medel)                                 
#>  5 G116237 <df [9 × 2]>  Sjuhärad kommunalförbund (ovägt medel)               
#>  6 G116238 <df [15 × 2]> Skaraborgs kommunalförbund (ovägt medel)             
#>  7 G122469 <df [10 × 2]> Region 10 (ovägt medel)                              
#>  8 G122931 <df [5 × 2]>  3KVH (ovägt medel)                                   
#>  9 G128518 <df [11 × 2]> Familjen Helsingborg (ovägt medel)                   
#> 10 G128681 <df [12 × 2]> Stor-Malmö (ovägt medel)                             
#> # ℹ 3,302 more rows
# Search for municipality groups containing the name "Arboga"
munic_g <- get_municipality_groups()
arboga_groups <- munic_g %>% municipality_grp_search("Arboga")
#> # A tibble: 11 × 3
#>    id      members      title                                             
#>    <chr>   <list>       <chr>                                             
#>  1 G175909 <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner ekonomiskt bistånd, Arboga, 2022
#>  2 G176199 <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner socioekonomi, Arboga, 2022      
#>  3 G176489 <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2022       
#>  4 G35869  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner grundskola, Arboga, 2022        
#>  5 G36161  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner gymnasieskola, Arboga, 2022     
#>  6 G36453  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner IFO, Arboga, 2022               
#>  7 G37329  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner, övergripande, Arboga, 2022     
#>  8 G39502  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner LSS, Arboga, 2022               
#>  9 G85463  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner fritidshem, Arboga, 2022        
#> 10 G85755  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner förskola, Arboga, 2022          
#> 11 G87629  <df [7 × 2]> Liknande kommuner integration, Arboga, 2022

Another important family of exploration functions is the describe family of functions. These functions take a metadata table and print a human-readable summary of the most important facts about each row in the table (up to a limit, specified by max_n). By default, output is printed directly to the R console. But by specifying format = "md" you can make the describe functions create markdown-ready output which can be added directly to a R markdown file by setting the chunk option results='asis'. The output then looks as follows:

kpi_filter %>% kpi_describe(max_n = 2, format = "md", heading_level = 4)

N00022: Kostnadsutjämningsnetto förskola och skolbarnsomsorg, kr/inv 1 nov fg år


Kostnadsutjämningsnetto förskola och skolbarnomsorg beräknas som kommunens standardkostnad minus standardkostnaden för riket i tkr dividerat med antal invånare totalt 1/11 nov fg år. Källa: SCB.

  • Has OU data: FALSE

  • Divided by gender: FALSE

  • Municipality type: K

  • Operating area: Skatter och utjämning

  • Publication date: 2024-04-15

  • Publication period: 2024

  • OU publication date: NA



N00023: Kostnadsutjämningsnetto grundskola, kr/inv 1 nov fg år


Kostnadsutjämningsnetto grundskola beräknas som kommunens standardkostnad minus standardkostnad för riket i tkr dividerat med antal invånare totalt 1/11 fg år. Källa: SCB.

  • Has OU data: FALSE

  • Divided by gender: FALSE

  • Municipality type: K

  • Operating area: Skatter och utjämning

  • Publication date: 2024-04-15

  • Publication period: 2024

  • OU publication date: NA



Extra functions for exploring KPI metadata

KPI metadata is considerably more complex than other types of metadata. To further assist in exploring KPI metadata the function kpi_bind_keywords() can be used to tag data with keywords (these are inferred from the KPI title) to classify KPIs and make them more searchable.

# Add keywords to a KPI table
kpis_with_keywords <- kpi_filter %>% kpi_bind_keywords(n = 4)

# count keywords
kpis_with_keywords %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::starts_with("keyword"), values_to = "keyword") %>%
  dplyr::count(keyword, sort = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 417 × 2
#>    keyword            n
#>    <chr>          <int>
#>  1 elever           176
#>  2 grundskola       146
#>  3 gymnasieelever   112
#>  4 pedagogisk       112
#>  5 åk               112
#>  6 gymnasieskola    100
#>  7 förskola          91
#>  8 personal          87
#>  9 år                73
#> 10 kommunal          67
#> # ℹ 407 more rows

Some KPIs can be very similar-looking and it can sometimes be hard to discern which of the KPIs to use. To make sifting through data easier, kpi_minimize() can be used to remove all redundant columns from a KPI table. (In this case, “redundant” means “containing no information that helps in differentiating KPIs from one another”, i.e. columns containing only one single value for all observations in the table):

# Top 10 rows of the table
kpi_filter %>% dplyr::slice(1:10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 13
#>    auspices description has_ou_data id    is_divided_by_gender municipality_type
#>    <chr>    <chr>       <lgl>       <chr>                <int> <chr>            
#>  1 NA       "Kostnadsu… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  2 NA       "Kostnadsu… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  3 NA       "Kostnadsu… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  4 T        "Avvikelse… FALSE       N000…                    0 K                
#>  5 T        "Strukturk… FALSE       N001…                    0 K                
#>  6 E        "Antal ans… FALSE       N001…                    0 K                
#>  7 E        "Antal års… FALSE       N001…                    0 K                
#>  8 T        "Kommunind… FALSE       N003…                    0 K                
#>  9 T        "Kommunind… FALSE       N003…                    0 K                
#> 10 T        "Kommunind… FALSE       N003…                    0 K                
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: operating_area <chr>, ou_publication_date <chr>,
#> #   perspective <chr>, prel_publication_date <chr>, publ_period <chr>,
#> #   publication_date <chr>, title <chr>

# Top 10 rows of the table, with non-distinct data removed
kpi_filter %>% dplyr::slice(1:10) %>% kpi_minimize()
#> # A tibble: 10 × 8
#>    id     title     description operating_area perspective prel_publication_date
#>    <chr>  <chr>     <chr>       <chr>          <chr>       <chr>                
#>  1 N00022 Kostnads… "Kostnadsu… Skatter och u… Resurser    2023-09-28           
#>  2 N00023 Kostnads… "Kostnadsu… Skatter och u… Resurser    2023-09-28           
#>  3 N00026 Kostnads… "Kostnadsu… Skatter och u… Resurser    2023-09-28           
#>  4 N00097 Nettokos… "Avvikelse… Kommunen, öve… Resurser    2024-05-11           
#>  5 N00100 Struktur… "Strukturk… Kommunen, öve… Resurser    2023-09-28           
#>  6 N00108 Månadsav… "Antal ans… Barn och utbi… Resurser    NA                   
#>  7 N00114 Årsarbet… "Antal års… Barn och utbi… Resurser    NA                   
#>  8 N00300 Medborga… "Kommunind… Kommunen, öve… Kvalitet o… NA                   
#>  9 N00301 Trygghet… "Kommunind… Kommunen, öve… Kvalitet o… NA                   
#> 10 N00303 Tillgäng… "Kommunind… Kommunen, öve… Kvalitet o… NA                   
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: publ_period <chr>, publication_date <chr>

Note that kpi_minimize() operates on the current table. This means that results may vary depending on the data you’re operating on.

Metadata groups

Kolada provides pre-defined groups of KPIs and municipalities/regions. Exploring an using thse groups can facilitate meaningful comparisons between different entities or help paint a broader picture of developments in a certain field or area.

To get, search or describe group metadata, use the same techniques as described above for regular metadata (relevant prefixes are kpi_grp_ and municipality_grp_).

A crucial difference between group metadata and other metadata tables, however, is that group metadata comes in the form of a nested table. Typically you might want to unnest the groups in a group metadata table once yo hae found the relevant group(s) for your query. To do this, use the unnest functions to create a table containing unnested entities, e.g. running kpi_grp_unnest(kpi_grp_df) using a KPI group metadata table as argument creates a kpi_df that can be further processed using the kpi_ functios described in previous sections of this vignette.

Downloading data using metadata

An alternative approach to downloading data using known IDs is to use metadata tables to construct arguments to get_values(). rKolada provides a extract_ids family of functions for passing a metadata table as an argument to get_values. A typical workflow would be to download metadata for (groups of) KPIs and/or municipalities, use functions like kpi_search() to filter down the tables to a few rows, and then call get_values() to fetch data.

As an example, let’s say we want to download all KPIs describing Gross Regional Product for all municipalities that are socioeconomically similar to Arboga, a small municipality in central Sweden:

# Get KPIs describing Gross Regional Product of municipalities
kpi_filter <- get_kpi() %>% 
  kpi_search("BRP") %>%
  kpi_search("K", column = "municipality_type")
# Creates a table with two rows

# Get a suitable group of municipalities
munic_grp_filter <- get_municipality_groups() %>% 
  municipality_grp_search("Liknande kommuner socioekonomi, Arboga")
# Creates a table with one group of 7 municipalities

# Also include Arboga itself
arboga <- get_municipality() %>% municipality_search("Arboga")

# Get data
grp_data <- get_values(
  kpi = kpi_extract_ids(kpi_filter),
  municipality = c(
# Visualize results
ggplot(grp_data, aes(year, value, color = municipality)) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = municipality)) +
  facet_grid(kpi ~ ., scales = "free") +
    title = "Gross Regional Product per capita 2012-2018",
    subtitle = "Swedish municipalities similar to Arboga",
    caption = values_legend(grp_data, kpi_filter)
  ) +
  scale_color_viridis_d(option = "B") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)