Municipality groups are a convenient way to discover pre-rendered sets of municipalities. A practical workflow for discovering such sets can be to search through Municipality Group metadata using municipality_grp_search to search for keywords and municipality_grp_describe to inspect contents of KPI groups. Once you have created a Municipality Group metadata table that has been narrowed down to the group/s you are looking for, municipality_grp_unnest is used to create a municipality metadata table for further processing.




A Kolada Municipality Group metadata table, as created by e.g. get_municipality_groups.


A Kolada Municipality metadata table


# Download Municipality Group metadata
# (skip the parameter "max_results" to actually download all available data)
munic_grp_df <- get_municipality_groups(max_results = 100)

# Create a Municipality metadata table from municipality groups matching the
# term "Arboga"
munic_grp_df %>%
  municipality_grp_search("arboga") %>%
#> # A tibble: 7 × 4
#>   id    title      group_id group_title                                
#>   <chr> <chr>      <chr>    <chr>                                      
#> 1 0561  Åtvidaberg G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020
#> 2 0861  Mönsterås  G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020
#> 3 0884  Vimmerby   G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020
#> 4 1273  Osby       G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020
#> 5 1766  Sunne      G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020
#> 6 1982  Fagersta   G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020
#> 7 2083  Hedemora   G148914  Liknande kommuner äldreomsorg, Arboga, 2020